JavaScript Projects

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Random Password Generator - Visit


We could all use more secure passwords.


This was a random small project I completed. I wanted to continue working with react and noticed my passwords were really weak. So I created this app as a solution. I also wanted to work with new concepts, so this app utilizes the clipboard so user can copy their new passwords.

a screenshot of the home screen of quizzical

Quizzical - Visit


A trivia game.


As a way to put together all that I learned in my previous react project, I created this application. It includes:
- API calls to retrieve questions. There was the expected preprocessing required for the app to use the data
- Dynamic data display
- Managing state and game logic
It is deployed on Netlify

a screenshot of the game play of tenzies

React Tenzies Game - Visit


Roll the dice until you have 10 of the same die face.


Introduction to maintaining state as well as useEffect for event listening. Lastly, I wanted to explore using these components to implement game logic.

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React Travel Journal - Visit


A static travel blog of using React.


Exploring how to style components digesting data to display dynamic content.

a screenshot of a digital business card

Digital Business Card - Visit


A static React app that host contact information and social media links


As I began my React journey, I wanted to create something practical. Therefore, I created this digital business card as a useful tool pass along my contact information. I created a QR code for easy look ups. It's deployed on Netlify.

image of stacks of coins

Budget App - Visit


This project for completed for my capstone class when pursuing my A.S. in Computer Programming and Analysis. It was a group project where I was the lead programmer.


This is a budget app that allows you to include income and expenses to manage your finances. I built the front and back end for this project. The front end was made with vanilla JavaScript along with HTML and CSS. The back end used NodeJS with some supplmental libraries for authentication.

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Hackernews API - Visit


This application is a newsreader that calls the Hackernews Api. This project was built using React (create-react-app as a base) and the technologies used were React (Custom Hooks), Styled Components, Axios, and Memo.


This project served as a way for me to used object oriented programming in game development. It was a fun challenge as the game implementation relies heavilily on logic validating.

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Rotating Navigation - Visit


As a part of 50 projects in 50 days. I created this rotating navigation menu.


This was a really fun project as it allowed me to do something unconventional. It was done using vanilla JavaScript, HTML and CSS. I took the time to make it a full blog post as well. If you have the time, give it a read.