Web Dev Projects

Logo of the Education Foundation of Osceola County

Foundation Osceola - Visit


Foundation Osceola is a non-profit that has programs that serve Osceola County public education.


This project was for a complete redesign from their previous site. I handled the planning, design implementation and deployment. I used Webflow for the creation of the site.

Fugue logo

Fugue - Visit


Fugue is a unified interface for distributed computing. Fugue executes SQL, Python, and Pandas code on Spark and Dask without any rewrites


I used Webflow to create a landing site for the Fugue library. The site introductory information regarding Fugue's uses, as well as the links to relavant documentation.

LAMP technology stack logo

Contact Manager - Visit


As a part of my Object Oriented Program class, I worked in a group that used a LAMP stack to create a contact manager.


I worked on the front-end of the project and assisted in the communication between our front-end and back-end teams.

A picture of a clock used for our app logo

Clockwork - Visit


I participated in a team project that entailed developing a web and mobile application for task management with a user-friendly calendar UI. The project spanned the full software development life cycle, commencing with requirements gathering and culminating in the release of a working product.


As the project manager, I was involved in both front-end components and facilitated coordination among the team members. To ensure proper planning and coordination, we utilized various project management tools, including a Gantt chart, ERD, use case, and sequence diagrams, to document the project requirements and milestones. Our technology stack consisted of the MERN stack for the web application and React Native for the mobile application.